Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ways To Get Explosive Results With Online Dating As A Man

Many guys have heard of online dating and expect it would be helpful to score a few extra dates. They registered, put up their photos, and write about themselves briefly. But without the online dating tips men need to know I’m giving out here, most guys will have very poor results with online dating.

Getting no results at all can hurt a guy’s ego. You sign up with these sites and you think you should at least get one or two women to notice you. But you see, the majority of men won’t even experience any degree of success at all online. Why would this happen?

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: It is a whole new game online

What you should understand first is that women would have more choices in online dating, while the reality for men is not that optimistic. Lot of guys go online to meet women, but they are doing it all wrong. They just send the exact same email to thousands of women. Or they send offensive messages. Or they bore women with their life story with the first email (before they’ve even established any rapport).

To be frank, women just aren’t going to e-mail you first. The reality is that women just don’t need to take much initiative with online dating.

So you see, the deck is stacked against you.

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: Actually you are lucky that most guys are totally clueless at this

While most guys are banging their heads against a wall in frustration, you can move in and totally have your pick of any girl you want. Thus, you get great possibility to go out with just about any woman you want on these websites.

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: Use words to leave her spellbound

In online dating, words will taking you farther than anything else. Most guys’ profiles are so lame with things like “I’m doctor” or “I’ve got a great sense of humor.” No woman is going to have any interest in this boring kind of writing. A detailed description would be better than boring list of facts. Something like this would be much better:

“Isn’t it great to just take a day off from work once in awhile and go hiking out in the forest? I mean, what could be better than getting lost in nature’s beauty escaping from all the noise and distraction of the city? As far as I’m concerned, nothing is better than wandering below a canopy of green leaves and watching the way the sunlight just shines through them and makes everything just seem to glow green."

Can you what I’m talking about?

Online Dating Tips Men Need to Know: Good first impressions count

At first, women are waiting for guys to make a move, that’s why you will be sending the first message. If you email a woman for the first time, you should be brief and catch her attention. Every day, women tons of e-mail from guys that are just plain boring them to tears.

If you make it personal, she will believe you actually read her profile carefully and that you didn’t just copy and paste the same thing to 100 different women. She is bored with these guys that send the exact same boring email to a hundred women, but you are not one of them (I hope).

Make it a short one but make sure you leave her wanting more. If you are emailing her for the first time, the shorter your email is, the better. It’s better write in one or two sentences. It should not be longer than this. If you ask her a question, you will increase the possibility of getting her to respond.

For example, if she is fond of Japanese food, you can ask her a short question like “Do you like natto? Because if you do, that’s a deal-breaker” to make her laugh and think you are funny. This is a sort of joke, and at the same time, it is giving her the her the opportunity to write back and keep the conversation going.

It is not that difficult, but many guys do not think this way. The tips above are really helpful for men who want real results from online dating sites.

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