Saturday, December 5, 2009

What to Say to a Girl

After approaching a woman, what you say can help ensure that things keep going well.

Try this advice to make your conversations with girls more enjoyable. Note: Before trying any of this take a second to remember that you are actually talking to a human being.

Don't make things too easy for her. Be a little mysterious. Make her put a bit of effort in. Sometimes you'll be tested by girls. When she does then, throw her a curve ball and test her. When women test men, most guys will either try to act macho or become a doormat scared of offending her. Both of these are a turn off. You are just ruining your chances with the girl.

In these situations, you can do two things. When she asks you how many women you've been with or what kind of car you own, you can either:

One, you can ask her "What makes you want to know?" Don't say this like an arrogant jerk or you'll just inspire her to throw her drink at you. This is a chance for you to get to the bottom of the real question.

In case you missed that, you answer questions with questions. Don't over do it though or you may come off as shifty.

Second, you can just tell her something funny that she will know is just for laughs. Try to make it something as pathetic as possible. The lamer it is, the better. It will show that you are confident enough in yourself that you can laugh at yourself. Very few guys are bold enough to even joke about something like their dating lives. When you pull this off and it's clear that you are merely kidding around with her, she will start to think of you you as confident and smooth. If you are ever wondering what to say to a woman, try something funny.

Make sure you also hit on the woman too. If you don't let her know that you're in to her, then she might start to think of you as a friend. I take it you don't want this. It is actually pretty easy to let a girl know you like her. Don't attempt to think up some choreographed lecture about why the two of you are meant for each other. That will not win the woman over. Just continue your conversation until she mentions something that authentically impreeses you. Then comment with something like "That's really sexy how you read a new book each week," or "I think it's really sexy how you want to help animals. "

Don't even worry about sounding crazy. It can be a little out there. In fact it's more often than not better if it is original.

So, I hope you got a few good tips on what to say to a girl. This isn't all that complex. Don't take it too seriously.

If you liked this article, please also take a look at What to Say to Girls, How to Start Conversations with Women, and Getting Women's Phone Numbers

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