Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to Become an Alpha Male

Most men that write to me want to learn how to become an alpha male. You know what I'm saying here. The guy that commands respect everywhere he goes. The guy that is always the focus of the whole room. The one that catches the eye of every woman he runs across.

Some guys just act like jerks to other people to show that they have "social proof." They always brag about every little achievment that they experience, and take every chance to show off.

These men are being dumb and you don't want to copy them.

These guys are not alpha males. They show this by how much effort the put into showing how cool they are|.

The real alpha men are rock-solid and have nothing to prove. They do not waste time on how others see them because they know what they stand for. They live life by their own standars and definitely don't care if everyone thinks of them as "alpha. "

To become an alpha male, stop trying to impress other people and just follow your own path. Quit doing all that petty stuff to try and prove yourself to others. Real alpha men do not need to show off because they already know inside that they are cool guys .

Okay, now the stuff you can use.

Start taking initiative in your daily life. Instead of waiting for other people to decide things, try being the first to make a decision for them. It is not even important if you care that much about the outcome. Just choose something. Most pople cannot stand making decisions and are eager to let someone else do it. Additionally, you wil never have to endure a "I can't decide. What would you like to do?" discussions again. Taking command of a situation is easy, and most people will just simply fall in line behind you.

You should additionally start planning the broad vision of your life. Ask yourself what you're doing with your life and where you're headed. Cultivate some serious values. Stand up for your values is somebody tries to put you down them. But do not be overly willing to come to blows or start arguing with others. Assume that you can solve things through a civilized conversation, but don't be afriad to defend yourself if someone tries to take it there. After getting this, you will natrually take up alpha male behaviors. Once you know what your life is about there is no longer any reason to be uptight and tense.

Stop pouring so much effort into becoming an "alpha male. Simply cultivate your inner values and you'll automatically become less nurotic and more calm. The True alpha guys do not care about how everyone else sees them, so neither should you.

If you liked this article, please check out How to Become an Alpha Man, How to Impress Girls, and What Women Think Is Attractive.

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