Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to Pickup Women

You shouldn't be shocked to find that the most effective way to learn more about a girl is to ask her questions. Yes, there are lists of idiotic "date questions" out there like, "If you were trapped on a deserted island, what three movies would want to watch for the rest of your life?" Don't use these. They come off desperate and awkward. Plus, they just kill all attraction between you and the woman.

You shouldn't devote your efforts to these stupid questions. What you want to do is just talk to the woman naturally. Men often memorize stupid questions as a crutch to deal with feelings of nervousness or anxiety that they get. Using a bunch of canned questions will only hinder any real connection between you and the girl.Stop thinking so much and just be aware of what is going on in the moment with you and her. When you start to take a real interest in her experience in the present moment, you will never be left guessing what to talk about again.

Too many men also just ask questions that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no". Stop doing this, if you find that you do it. This will make you seem weird like you're a journalist interviewing her.

Are you from around here? - Yep.

Do you work in the city? - Yes.

Do you have a dog? - No.

Do all these dumb questions bother you? - Yes.

Try using open-ended questions instead that will make her contribute something to the conversation.

What's your favorite area of town? - I like the XYZ District. In fact I live there.

Really? What do you like so much about it? - I like all the history and character there. yadda ...yadda... yadda.

This isn't anything tough.

Ask the girl things about her life. Get to know her better and wrap your mind around how she sees the world. Start to drill down deeper into her emotions by asking the woman questions like "What did that make you feel?" and "What was it like when XXX happened?" Watch how she acts when she describe things and drill down on those too. Ask her things like "You seemed a little worried when you told me about your job.Tell me more about that." This often opens things that the woman didn't even know about herself.

Once you do this a few times, you will start to feel a very extremely strong connection that will make it seem like the two of you are in a bubble, alone from the rest of the world. You can be in the loudest club out there, but it will seem like you have her all to yourself.

Doesn't that sound so much better than "If you were a song, what kind would you be?"

So, just ditch the lame date questions and just have a real legitimate conversation. Just bring yourself completely to the interaction and allow whatever happens to happen. Ask questions to the woman and start to really get an understanding about her life. So feel free to ask anything that you want, so long as you are truthfully interested in the answer.

If you liked this article, please also check out how to pickup women, ask questions to a girl, and how to talk to girls.

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