Monday, May 3, 2010

How to Take Her from Friento into Girlfriend

It could happen to all of us sooner than you think. You're in love with one of your woman friends. The problem is that she only sees you as a "brother" and absolutely has zero attraction for you. What do you think you can do to make her into your lover?

The first thing to remember is that I know you can do this. This will likely be difficult but you can do it. You probably know someone who eventually ended up dating some girl they only knew as a friend for years.

Here are some suggestions that can help you:

Become a New and Better Man

Your friend might not be interested in you since your friend is used to you being a certain kind of person. If you'd like her to be your girlfriend then you need to show her a new side of you. You need to become a better man.

Start by showing her some aspect of you that she has never known before, she can start to feel attracted to you when she see a new and better you. You can begin by wearing a new outfit or act differently around her.

Meet Up with Her to a New Place

Your next thing you can do is to have a get together with her. It does not necessarily have to be a date, but your objective here is to impress her. Take her for lunch somewhere the both of you have never been with before. This could be your chance to prove to her you're a new man.

If you are the type of person that eats fast food all the time, ask her to go to a new restaurant with a nice ambiance. Avoid places like Starbucks. These places tend to be too bland and wouldn't give her the idea you wanted. The idea is to show her a place that's cool and trendy and the two of you don't normally go to.

Cut to the Chase

Casually chat with her and have fun once you meet her. But after a little while just be honest with her and tell her you think that she's hot. Tell her you've been thinking that you'd like her to be more than just a "friend." Then just asked her out on a date but don't make an issue out of it. She is more likely to say "yes" since this won't seem like a big of a commitment.

This is one way to make your girl friend into girlfriend. Be aware when using these tips that she might say "no" to you. If you asked her out and she turn you down, things can be awkward and you may lose your friendship with her. Make sure you are able to take this risk.